John R Post Fisheries Lab
Recent Papers
A Call for Global Action to Conserve Native Trout in the 21st Century and Beyond.
Dauwalter DC, A Duchi, J Epifanio, A Gandolfi, R Gresswell, F Juanes, J Kershner, J Lobon-Cervia,P McGinnity, A Meraner, P Mikheev, K Morita, C Muhlfeld, K Pinter, J R Post, G Unfer, LA Vollestad, J Williams.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2020
Threats to at-risk salmonids of the Canadian Rocky Mountain region.
Sinnatamby N, A Cantin and JR Post. 2020. Threats to at-risk salmonids of the Canadian Rocky Mountain region.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
Social–ecological feedbacks drive spatial exploitation in a northern freshwater fishery: a halo of depletion.
Wilson K, A Foos, O Barker, A Farineau, J De Gisi and JR Post.
Journal of Applied Ecology 2020
Life History variation along environmental and harvest clines of a northern freshwater fish: plasticity and adaptation.
Wilson K, J de Gisi, C Cahill, O Barker and JR Post.
Journal of Animal Ecology 88:717-733. 2019
Carruthers TR, K Dabrowska, W Haider, E Parkinson, DA Varkey, H Ward, MK McAllister, T Godin, B Van Poorten, P Askey, KL Wilson, LM Hunt, A Clarke, E Newton, C Walters and JR Post. 2019. Landscape scale social and ecological outcomes of dynamic angler and fish behaviours: processes, data, and patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:970-988.
Arlinghaus R, JK Abbott, EP Fenichel, SR Carpenter, LM Hunt, J Alós, T Klefoth, SJ Cooke, R Hilborn, OP Jensen, MJ Wilberg, JR Post and MJ Manfredo. In press. Governing the recreational dimension of global fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 00:000-000.
Brownscombe JW, K Hyder, W Potts, K Wilson, KL Pope, AJ Danylchuk, SJ Cooke, A Clarke, R Arlinghaus and JR Post. 2018. The future of recreational fisheries: advances in science, monitoring, management, and practice. Fisheries Research 21:247-255.
Cantin A and JR Post. 2018. Habitat availability and ontogenetic shifts alter bottlenecks in size-structured fish populations Ecology 99:1644-1659.
Cahill CL, S Mogensen, KL Wilson, A Cantin, RN Sinnatamby, P Christensen, JR Reilly, L Winkle, A Farineau and JR Post. 2018. Multiple challenges confront a high-effort inland recreational fishery in decline. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Ward, H.G.M.. J.R. Post, N.P. Lester, P.J. Askey and T. Godin. 2017. Empirical evidence of plasticity in life history characteristics across climatic and fish density gradients. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:464-474.
Arlinghaus, R., J. Alos, B. Beardmore, K. Daedlow, M. Dorow, M. Fujitani, D. Huhn, W. Haider, L. M. Hunt, B. M. Johnson, F. Johnston, T. S. Matsumura, C. Monk, T. Pagel, J. R. Post, C. Riepe, H. Ward, and C. Wolter. 2017. Understanding and managing freshwater recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 25:1-41.
Mee, JA, G Robins and JR Post. 2016. Patterns of fish species assemblage replicated across three parallel rivers suggest biotic zonation in response to a longitudinal temperature gradient. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2016:1-18
Laliberte, J, JR Post, JS Rosenfeld and JA Mee. 2016. Modelling temperature, body size, prey density, and stream gradient impacts on longitudinal patterns of potential fish production. River Research and Applications 32:2045-2055.
Mee, JA, JR Post, H Ward, KL Wilson, E Newton and A Cantin. 2016. Interaction of ecological and angler processes: experimental stocking in an open access, spatially structured fishery. Ecological Applications 26:1693-1707.
Ward H.G.M., M.S. Allen, E. Camp, N. Cole, L.M. Hunt, B. Matthias, J.R. Post, K. Wilson and R. Arlinghaus. 2016. Understanding and managing social-ecological feedbacks in spatially-structured recreational fisheries: the overlooked behavioral dimension. Fisheries 41:524-535.
Wilson KL, A Cantin, H.G. M. Ward, E. R. Newton, J.A. Mee, D. Varkey, E.A. Parkinson, and J.R. Post. 2016. Supply-demand equilibria and the size-number tradeoff in spatially structured recreational fisheries. Ecological Applications 26:1086-1097.
Other Papers
Mogensen S., J.R. Post and M.G. Sullivan. 2014. Vulnerability to harvest by anglers differs across climate, productivity and diversity clines. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71:416-426.
Lapointe, N., S. Cooke, J. Imhof, D. Boisclair, J. Casselman, R.A Curry, O. Langer, R. McLaughlin, K. Minns, J.R. Post, M. Power, J. Rasmussen, J. Reynolds, J. Richardson, W. Tonn. 2014. Principles for ensuring healthy and productive freshwater ecosystems that support sustainable fisheries. Environmental Reviews 22:1-25.
Pinto, M.C., J.R. Post, A.J. Paul, F.D. Johnston, C.J. Mushens and J.D. Stelfox. 2013. Lateral and longitudinal displacement of stream rearing juvenile bull trout in response to upstream migration of spawning adults. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1590-1601.
Hutchings, J. and J.R. Post. 2013. Gutting Canada’s Fisheries Act: No fishery, no fish habitat protection. Fisheries 38:497-501.
Laliberte, J., J.R. Post, J.S. Rosenfeld. 2013. Hydraulic geometry and longitudinal patterns of habitat quantity and quality for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Rivers Research and Application. Published Online May 2013.
Ward, H.G.M., P.J. Askey and J.R. Post. 2013. A mechanistic understanding of hyperstability in catch per unit effort and density-dependent catchability in a multistock recreational fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1542-1550.
Askey P.J., E.A. Parkinson, J.R. Post. 2013. Linking fish and fisher dynamics to assess stocking strategies for hatchery-dependent, open access recreational fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 33:557-568. [Best Paper of the Year Award]
Ward, H.G.M., M.S. Quinn and J.R. Post. 2013. Angler characteristics and management implications in a large multi-stock spatially structured recreational fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 33:576-584.
Post, J.R. 2013. Resilient recreational fisheries or prone to collapse? A decade of research on the science and management of recreational fisheries. Fisheries Management and Ecology 20:99-110.
Ward, H.G.M., P.J. Askey, J.R. Post, D. Varkey and M. McAllister. 2012. Basin characteristics and temperature improve abundance estimates from standard index netting of small lakes. Fisheries Research 131-133:52-59.
Post, J.R. and E.A. Parkinson. 2012. Temporal and spatial patterns of angler effort across lake districts and policy options to sustain recreational fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:321-329.
Mogensen S. and J.R. Post. 2012. Energy allocation strategy modifies growth-survival tradeoffs in juvenile fish across ecological and environmental gradients. Oecologia 168:923-933.
Johnston, F.D., R. Arlinghaus, J. Stelfoxd and J.R. Post. 2011. Decline in angler use despite increased catch rates: anglers’ response to the implementation of a total catch-and-release regulation. Fisheries Research 110:189-197.
Rosenfeld J.S., K. Campbell, E.S. Leung, J. Bernhardt, and J.R. Post. 2011. Habitat effects on depth and velocity frequency distributions: implications for modelling hydraulic variation and fish habitat suitability in streams. Geomorphology 130:127-135.
Johnston, F.D. and J.R. Post. 2009. Density-dependent life history compensation of an iteroparous salmonid. Ecological Applications 19:449-467
Post, J.R., L. Persson, E.A. Parkinson and T. van Kooten. 2008. Angler numerical response across landscapes and the collapse of freshwater fisheries. Ecological Applications 18:1038-1049.
Biro, P.A. and J.R. Post. 2008. Fishery-induced evolution: rapid depletion of genotypes with fast growth and bold personality traits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 105:2919-2922.
Rosenfeld, J.S., J.R. Post, G. Robins and T. Hatfield. 2007. Hydraulic geometry as a physical template for the River Continuum: application to optimal flows and longitudinal trends in Salmonid habitat. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:755-767.
Biro, P.A., J.R. Post and D.J. Booth. 2007. Climate induced mortality of fish populations is mediated by behaviour in whole-lake experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 104:9715-9719.
Askey, P.J., L.K. Hogberg, J.R. Post, L.J. Jackson, T. Rhodes and M.S. Thompson. 2007. Spatial patterns in fish biomass and relative trophic level abundance in a waste water enriched river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16:343-353.
Johnston, F.D., J.R. Post, C.J. Mushens, J.D. Stelfox, A.J. Paul and B. Lajeunesse. 2007. The demography of recovery of an overexploited bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, population. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:113-126.
Askey, P.J., J.R. Post, E.A. Parkinson, E. Rivot, A.J. Paul and P.A. Biro. 2007. Estimation of gillnet efficiency and selectivity across multiple sampling units: A hierarchical Bayesian analysis using mark-recapture data. Fisheries Research 83:162-174.
Askey, P.J., S.A. Richards, J.R. Post and E.A. Parkinson. 2006. Linking angling quality and learning under catch and release regulations: why are the fish not biting? North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:1020-1029.
Post, J.R., van Poorten, B.T., Rhodes, T., Askey, P. and Paul, A.J. 2006. Fish Entrainment into Irrigation Canals: an Analytical Approach and Application to the Bow River, Alberta, Canada. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:875-887
Anderson, K., A.J. Paul, E. McCauley, L. Jackson, J.R. Post and R. Nisbet. 2006. Ecological dynamics and the management of instream flow needs in rivers and streams. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:309-318.
Mackenzie-Grieve, J.L. and J.R. Post. 2006. Thermal habitat use by lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in two contrasting Yukon lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:727-738.
Mackenzie-Grieve, J.L. and J.R. Post. 2006. Projected impacts of climate warming on production of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in southern Yukon lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:788-797.
Biro, P.A., J.R. Post and M.V. Abrahams. 2005. Ontogeny of energy allocation reveals selective pressure promoting risk-taking behaviour in young fish cohorts. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 272:1443-1448.
Biro, P.A., M.V. Abrahams, J.R. Post and E.A. Parkinson. 2004. Predators select against high growth rates and risk-taking behaviour in domestic trout populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 271:2233-2237.
Biro, P.A., A.E. Morton, J.R. Post and E.A. Parkinson. 2004. Overwinter lipid depletion and mortality of age-0 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1513-1519.
Parkinson, E.A., J.R. Post and S.P. Cox. 2004. Linking the dynamics of harvest effort to recruitment dynamics in a multi-stock, spatially-structured fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1658-1670.
Biro, P.A., J.R. Post and E.A. Parkinson. 2003. From individuals to populations: prey fish risk-taking mediates mortality in whole-system experiments. Ecology 84:2419-2431.
Biro, P.A., J.R. Post and E.A. Parkinson. 2003. Density-dependent activity reduces growth and survival of prey fish in whole-lake experiments. Journal of Animal Ecology 72:546-555.
Post, J.R., C.J. Mushens, A.J. Paul and M. Sullivan. 2003. Assessment of alternative management strategies for sustaining recreational fisheries: model development and application to bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:22-34. [Awarded Best Paper of the Year].
Biro, P.A., J.R. Post and E.A. Parkinson. 2003. Population consequences of a predator-induced habitat shift by trout in whole-lake experiments. Ecology 84:691-700.
Paul, A.J., J.R. Post and J.D. Stelfox. 2003. Can anglers influence the distribution of native and non-native salmonids in streams from the Canadian Rocky Mountains? North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:109-119
Post, J.R., M. Sullivan, S. Cox, N.P. Lester, C.J. Walters, E.A. Parkinson, A.J. Paul, L. Jackson, B.J. Shuter. 2002. Canada’s recreational fisheries: the invisible collapse? Fisheries 27:6-17.
Post, J.R. and E.A. Parkinson. 2001. Energy allocation strategy in age-0 fish: allometry and survival. Ecology 82:1040-1051.